Exciting Updates in Livewire 3 🧨🔥🚀

Kaushik Thakkar
4 min readAug 6, 2023


Great news for web developers! The much-awaited Livewire 3 update is here, and it’s loaded with awesome features. As of August 6, 2023, Livewire 3 brings some game-changing improvements to the Laravel framework.

Livewire 3: A Pinnacle of Advancement

Livewire has been a game-changer in the Laravel ecosystem, enabling developers to build dynamic user interfaces with server-side rendering and real-time interactions. In Livewire 3, we can expect some significant improvements that promise to elevate the Livewire experience to new heights.

  1. All-New Alpine-Based Core:The entire Livewire core has undergone a substantial overhaul, now relying more on Alpine’s capabilities. By leveraging Alpine’s Morph, History, and other plugins, Livewire 3 enjoys enhanced diffing and faster feature development, while reducing duplication between Livewire and Alpine. This exciting change lays the foundation for a more streamlined and powerful development experience.
  2. Automatic Injection of Scripts and Styles:Gone are the days of manually adding scripts and styles to your layout after installing Livewire. With Livewire 3, you’ll be delighted to find that Livewire scripts, styles, and Alpine are automatically injected upon installation. This seamless integration simplifies the setup process and allows you to focus on building impressive user interfaces.
  3. Hot Reloading without a Build Step:Livewire 3 introduces hot reloading without the need for a build step. As developers, we understand the value of quick iterations and instant feedback during development. With Livewire 3, saving a file in your editor triggers immediate updates in the browser without disrupting your component’s state, boosting productivity and making development a breeze.
  4. wire:transition for Smooth Animations:Enhancing user experience is always a top priority, and Livewire 3 takes this to heart with the introduction of wire:transition. A wrapper around x-transition from Alpine, wire:transition allows you to add smooth and visually appealing transitions to elements shown or hidden using Livewire. This is a fantastic addition that brings a touch of elegance to your web applications.
  5. JavaScript Functions in PHP Components:Livewire 3 empowers developers to write JavaScript functions directly in backend Livewire components. By adding a /* * @js **/ comment above a function and returning JavaScript code using PHP’s HEREDOC syntax, you can execute JavaScript on the frontend without making additional requests to the backend. This flexibility opens up new possibilities for dynamic and interactive user experiences.
  6. Locked Properties for Enhanced Security:Livewire 3 introduces the concept of locked properties — properties that cannot be updated from the frontend. By adding a /** @locked **/ comment above a property on your component, you can ensure that sensitive data remains secure and untouched by unauthorized changes.
  7. Default Deferred wire:model:In Livewire 3, wire:model is deferred by default, aligning with the evolving needs of developers and application usage. This default behavior significantly reduces the number of requests sent to the server, leading to improved performance and smoother interactions. For cases where “live” functionality is required, you can opt-in for live updates using wire:model.live.
  8. Batched Requests for Improved Performance:In Livewire 3, requests are intelligently batched to optimize performance for components using wire:poll, events, listeners, and method calls. This intelligent batching reduces the number of requests sent to the server, further enhancing the responsiveness of your web applications.
  9. Reactive Properties for Effortless Data Synchronization:Developers using nested components will appreciate the new feature of reactive properties in Livewire 3. When you pass data to a child component, adding a /** @prop */ comment above the property in the child ensures that any updates to the property in the parent component automatically synchronize with the child component, eliminating manual workarounds and streamlining data flow.
  10. @modelable for Easy Parent-to-Child Component Communication:Livewire 3 introduces the @modelable directive, making it simpler to “model” a property from a parent to a child component. By adding wire:model in the parent and @modelable above the property in the child component, you can seamlessly propagate updates from the child to the parent, providing a more intuitive and efficient communication channel.
  11. Access Parent Component Data and Methods:To further enhance parent-to-child communication, Livewire 3 introduces the $parent property, providing a straightforward way to access a parent component’s data and methods. This convenient feature streamlines the communication between components, facilitating a more modular and organized codebase.
  12. @teleport for Efficient Markup Rendering:A new Blade directive, @teleport, is one of the exciting additions in Livewire 3. This directive allows you to “teleport” a piece of markup and render it in another part of the DOM. This can be particularly helpful in avoiding z-index issues with modals and slideouts, improving the overall user experience.
  13. Lazy Components for Optimal Performance:To optimize the loading time of components and improve performance, Livewire 3 introduces “lazy” components. By adding the lazy attribute when rendering a component, the component won’t be initially rendered. Instead, Livewire will trigger a request to render it only when it comes into the viewport. This feature is particularly useful for components with heavy rendering processes or those used in slideouts.
  14. wire:navigate for SPA-Like Navigation:Enhancing user navigation is crucial for delivering a smooth user experience. In Livewire 3, the new wire:navigate directive allows you to fetch pages in the background and swap DOM elements quickly, creating a more SPA-like feel.

These updates are truly exciting, and we can’t wait to see how they shape the future of web development. Let’s embrace the power of these technologies and build amazing web experiences together

Read More on Livewire:

Originally published at https://keytech.dev on August 6, 2023.



Kaushik Thakkar

Experienced SE with 7 years crafting innovative tech solutions. I'm Kaushik, a creative individual seeking new challenges.